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The Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand

The Retirement Villages Association's strength and position in New Zealand comes from its combined village membership which accounts for more than 95% of all registered villages in New Zealand. Our associate membership adds a growing number of valued industry-related organisations to the membership mix.

With a total industry investment approaching $106bn (and growing daily), the RVA is the industry's authoritative voice in New Zealand, looking after members and the well-being of more than 32,000 retirement village residents.

Events and Promotions

Upcoming Regional Meetings

RVZ Seminar Notes and Presentations

    Fact sheet - Retirement village living in New Zealand

    Retirement Villages in New Zealand - All you need to know

    Sense Partners - Review of Starks article

    Ross Currie - Can RV operators afford regulated mandatory buyback?


      Research Documents

      The RVA acknowledges the support of our sponsors:

      EYProgrammed Property ServicesPwC
      MoST Content Management V3.0.8903